Krishnudu, who shot to instant limelight with Vinayakudu, followed by its sequel Village Lo Vinayakudu, is now busy with the film - Amayakudu. Tamil director Bharahi Ganesh is directing the movie, while Balamurugan is making the flick under Octagan Movies banner.
Manikanta Khadri of Avakai Biryani is scoring the music. Amayakudu has completed 80 per cent of the shoot, while some patchwork and a couple of song sequences are remaining. Bharahi Ganesh said that the songs would be shot in Delhi, Chennai and Hyderabad. The film is getting ready for release in February 2010.
It is a family entertainer with required commercial elements. The film is a combination of comedy, love and sentiment. Krishnudu said that his role had multiple shades of a good son, brother, lover and a human being.
Poonam Singaar, Raksha, Geetha Singh, Sita, Charan Raj, and Rao Ramesh are among the cast. Camera is handled by Jayaram.
Manikanta Khadri of Avakai Biryani is scoring the music. Amayakudu has completed 80 per cent of the shoot, while some patchwork and a couple of song sequences are remaining. Bharahi Ganesh said that the songs would be shot in Delhi, Chennai and Hyderabad. The film is getting ready for release in February 2010.
It is a family entertainer with required commercial elements. The film is a combination of comedy, love and sentiment. Krishnudu said that his role had multiple shades of a good son, brother, lover and a human being.
Poonam Singaar, Raksha, Geetha Singh, Sita, Charan Raj, and Rao Ramesh are among the cast. Camera is handled by Jayaram.