Below is an interesting calculation by a Canada based FM radio on Robot (Endhiran) Box office prediction. Endhiran is the costliest Indian movie ever made. Even the Hindi super stars never made a movie to this cost.

It is heard that the total cost can be between Rs. 160 crore to Rs. 200 crore Indian Rupees as the promo expenses are not over yet. Rajinikanth’s salary also depends on the profit, as his final salary number is decided by the profit of the movie (His salary is expected to be around Rs. 45 crore).
Here is a quick interesting calculation that must have gone through Kalanithi Maran's mind when he signs all the cheques.
The main question is “Would this be a profitable movie or going to be another flop like Baba?” All Rajini fans would see it but would that save it from flop?
2250 prints are made for theaters all over the world, according to Sun pictures. Some theaters use same print in two halls in a difference of 30 minutes.
There will be 4 shows per day for at least first 3 days (Fri, Sat, Sun). We know that many theaters in Tamilnadu will have 5 or 6 shows per day from early morning.
Average number of seats can be 500. Most of the Indian cinema halls are with over 800 seats while very few halls are with 400 seats.
Ticket price for first week in India varies from Rs. 100 to Rs. 500. Overseas ticket price are fixed but money conversion will bring it to Rs. 400 to Rs. 600.
If we pick all conservative numbers and multiply……..
2250 prints x 4 shows x 500 seats x Rs. 150 = 67,50,00,000 = Rs. 67.5 crore per day.
Rs. 67.5 crore x 3 days = Rs. 202.5 Crore.
By looking at this conservative calculation, Sun will recover the cost in just in 3 days. There is no way Sun pictures would have to worry about the money that has been invested. There can be loss and gain with distributors and Theatre owners depending on the deals. Overall, all the numbers show that Endhiran can make a record breaking collection in the history of Indian cinema. It is only less than two weeks to confirm it.
article by, Rahul Dev, Toronto, Canada,