Malayalam superstars Mammootty and Mohanlal are again acting together for a new film tilted ‘Arakkallan Mukkal Kallan’ which is being produced by Mammooty’s home production ‘Playhouse’ which will start its shooting in the early 2011.
The film is said to be a comedy thriller which is being directed by debutant Sibi K. Thomas-Udhay Krishna.They both acted together around 50 films such as ‘Padayottam’, ‘Sesham Kazhchayil’, ‘Sandhyakku Virinja Poovu’, ‘Aalkkoottathil Thaniye’, ‘Adiyozhukkukal’, ‘Poomukhappadiyil Ninneyum Kathu’, ‘Padayani’, ‘Adimakal Udamakal’, Manu Uncle, No. 20 Madras Mail, Harikrishnans and Twenty: 20